There I go again. After a few weeks of disturbance in head and heart I'm drawing for myself again. This is the start of a monster collection. Some people have monsters inside who try to drive them crazy, telling them stuff that is not true and party on emotions, whatever, this is an attempt to overcome some annoying monsters and vioces who are living currently in me.
My teacher told me, not to fight or kill them, but to make friends with them (the dalai lama way - very compassionated...) so first I have to give them faces. Tonight I started experimenting with colors and inkt to slack my hand again (it's kind of stiff at the moment when it comes to drawing). Most of those monsters are hard to visualize, but when I keep on working, I'm sure they will turn out well (as well as a mind-eating monster can be). In the end I'm hopefully able to shut them up (with candy and a lot of monsterous love) and find a way to not let them drive me crazy. This is really a kindergarden way of handling such problems, but it's worth a try :p
So following, my new monsterbook that will be filled with all sorts of disgusting, funny, disturbing and whatsoever kind of beasts.
Next thing is an illustration I made for school. Assignment was to make a poster for a fictional bookfestival for kids. The title is "An exciting dream" (for those who don't understand dutch).
I drew it with inkt and water, scanned it, cut it, rearranged it and it was printed in A2 (looks cool that big), so my very first mixed media (I hate this term), I'm satisfied with.
Next is my last drawing assignment, where we had to illustrate our surrounding. I decided to draw some exaggerated situations that happen in my head when I'm walking through my neighbourhood. I did all the drawings in 2 nights and you can see that. It could have been a lot better if I'd have taken more time to work it out. Lesson learned... I still like the characters.
This is also mixed media (aquarelle, inkt, pen and photoshop fuss and bother...) background could have been way better, but I already mentioned that. wanna show it anyways because it was work that took me to my limits (not sleeping for 2 days is just sucky on mind and body).
Last but not least: The Nudes :)
We have anatomy drawing at school now. I'm doing quite good, experimenting with color and trying to get a body right...
This is a lot of stuff to look at and I love all those who sat it out! :)
Now, it's bedtime and I wish everyone a good week and you'll hear from me soon (not like last time I said that)!