Tuesday, October 23, 2012

“Do or do not... there is no try.” Yoda (Did I use that already?)

So finally I finished my studies and are now Bachelor of Arts in Illustration. It is a nice feeling not having to go to uni anymore but what I am experiencing right now is kind of a hole I fell into after everything was over. I couldn't be bothered to touch a pencil and start a new project although I have loads of time for my own projects, finally. Some may call it a relaxation after graduation but it feels more like a post-graduate-depression. I was longing for something to get me started and on my feet again when I read a blogpost of a dear friend of mine. Rosi posted about a project that's called Post Art Exchange, where you make and alter postcards from other participants to send in a circle until everyone has altered every card and in the end, you get a card that 10 total strangeres designed. I am not explaining it so well, so here the link to the project.
Run 2 the Wild
So I started off, took my colourpencils, made a card and sent it off to the adress given to me. I already received the first card to alter. Unfortunately, I failed to take a picture because I was on holidays and had the feeling that I was quite late with sending it, so I hurried up :)
So now I will receive a postcard each week that I can be creative with and I am in a circle of people who are waiting for postcards too, so I can't slack off :)
I am really thanking everyone who participates and of course Courtney who started the whole thing. I already feel more comfortable with creating something, even if it's only small things that I contribute to every card, it is a fresh start for me and brings my head back to my creativity.
Here is a first glance of the card that I made. I will keep posting about this project and I am very much looking forward to the next card that ends up in my mailbox!

Oh and btw, not everything is as bad as it sounds, I got a publisher for my graduation project. It is an illustrated guide for students to make life easier in a flatshare and hopefully it will be in dutch bookstores by may 2013. So that's a thing, huh? :)