Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt

Had a day off today, again. Coloring with aqaurell still costs me a lot of nerves - it never comes out like I want it to be... I attempted with the old man drawing, because he has such beautiful, old spotted skin. Trying to paint it like I see it wasn't successful. I used aquarell color, ecoline ink, black ink and in the end aquarell color pencils. Found out that i like working with those pencils, because they are easier to handle. Luckily and finally, I made my scanner work with my macbook - it took some time, but it comes in handy. Printed out the scanned drawing what takes off a lot of pressure, because I'm not afraid anymore to color something and mess up the original drawing. I guess that's how the professionals do it^^ - Now I'm also smart :p
At work I was able to doodle a bit for my drawing class assignment. (Yes - I finally have an idea.) I drew it all out of my head and I'm kind of proud that it's identifiable... It's only a part of a bigger project that I will explain later.
Now I only need a proper concept for illustration class and some drafts for monday and everything will be fine in my head again...!
Comments, critics and laudations are very welcome :)

p.s. I still suck in drawing fabrics! Gonna be the next project to learn that^^

original scan

outline drawing with fineliner

first try ...

seconds try - aquarelle without water

a bit more careful...

aquarelle colorpencils - better but still not satisfying

the incredible HULK - freaking out in the end

doodles for drawing class assignment - all out of head

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